MX-Shield | FiveM Anticheat


I have written a cheap but still very good FiveM Anticheat. The anticheat can be completely adjusted to the needs of your server. There are over 100 possibilities! We are constantly updating the system.

You can find a video preview here:


Anti Give/Remove Weapon, Anti Particles, Anti Super Jump, Anti Explosions, Anti Fly in Vehicle, Anti NoClip, Anti Spectate, Anti Godmode, Anti Semi-Godmode, Anti Invisiblity, Anti Tiny Ped, Anti Damage Modifier, Anti Speed Hack, Anti Track Player, Anti Heath Hack, Anti Armor Hack, Anti No Ragdoll, Anti Infinite Stamina, Anti NUI-Devtools, Anti Spawn Blips, Anti Spam Sound, Anti Weaponhack, Anti, Anti Explosive Bullet, Anti Vision, Anti Night Vision, Anti Thermal Vision, Anti Plate Changer, Anti Free Cam, Anti Teleport, Anti Script start/stop, Anti Anticheat stop, Anti Vehicle Godmode, Anti Vehicle Speedhack, Anti Vehicle Modifier, Anti Radar, Anti Infinite Ammunition, Max. Speed, Max. Armor, Max. Health, Max. Valued Events, Menu Checker, Exploit Checker, Custom Kick/Banmessages, Blacklisted Keys, Blacklisted Weapons, Blacklisted Vehicles, Blacklisted Commands, Blacklisted Events

All comands can be executed only via console so no one can abuse e.g. unban commands.


People are getting banned via cfx license, Steam, Discord, xbl, live and IP.


All actions are logged via Discord-Webhook.

Buy the script at our official Tebex-Store.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Both
Lines (approximately) ~ 3080
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes
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Hi hi! A few questions:

  • Will release support for QB eventually? (due you only mention es_extended)
  • Also, are the prices listed on Tebex correct?
  • How it works the ban system? Are them stored on a table (DB) or using other method? (JSON File; External host; etc)
  • How it works the Global Bans? And will be able to disable it?
  • How much access I will have to the code? (customization; translations; create commands for manage sanctions InGame (I need that so my staff will be able to unban if needed without provide access to the CLI); etc)
  • If I buy the lifetime one, how I know I will have access to the script for all the time I need?
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We are currently working on a standalone version.

Yes, all the prices are correct.

All bans are stored in a JSON file. You have access to this file too and can edit the bans.

Global bans has been removed.

Currently you only have access to the client and server config files. We are working on ingame commands and translations too.

You have access to the script via keymaster. If we ever would stop the project, we will release end-version and you will keep it on your keymaster account.

Best regards

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Global ban lists are prohibited on the platform – Resource FAQ - Docs

Will waiting the standalone version for adquire it for my QB~ :purple_heart:

Also, if you add a way for choose if store the bans on a JSON file or in the database, will be amazing (personally I will prefer handle it using BD for check it in realtime (and delete a record when needed)) ^^,


New Update!

I have updated backend stuff and fixed some simple things.

Also a new banscreen has been created:


Bump :stuck_out_tongue:

We are supporting now ESX Legacy and made a standalone version too!

Updated some new things.

Better AntiWeaponHack, optimized script performance

Working on adminmenu now :slight_smile:

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Bump it

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Push :slight_smile:

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Push :slight_smile:

Bump - now also unencrypted :slight_smile:

It encryption, can fix? or read message…