Movement stutter

I would like to start off with an introduction. Hi, my name is John. I have been playing FiveM for a couple months now but only just found out there was a forum where you could talk to other avid FiveM players. I am 18 years old, and play on random Roleplay servers, with a tad bit of Arena too. I also hope this is the right section to apply this report, It was confusing navigating between which one would fit this the best.

Anyways, onto the real reason I am here:
I have been having this stutter problem with my movement ever since I first started playing GTA FiveM and I am not sure if it’s genuinely the game, my internet, or something I can actually fix. That is why I chose to bring my problem here.

Whenever I aim with my rightclick while holding a gun, and strafe back and forth with the A and D key, it has a stutter to it. Example: I hold the shift key and the A key, then swap to the D key but it doesn’t respond at first and takes like 1-2 seconds before it starts going right.

Is this just the game being 10+ years old and not built for pvp, my internet, or what?
Mind you, I have watched others POVs playing FiveM and I have not seen any stutter issues from their side when strafing (while holding shift)

You can try clearing your fivem cache… It always makes my gameplay less stuttery. might help if you have no hardware bottlenecks.

Ok, thank you for the advice. I will be trying this.

Will update on the process, to help if anyone else is having this problem.

Update: Movement stutter didn’t change much, game feels cleaner overall though.

I would like to add the game smoothness, etc. was never a problem it’s just a bad stutter when I strafe. I know the servers are in the UK but I am also in EU and people I watched play are NA so idk.