Motel room free shell

Simple Motel Room Schell for FiveM equipped with Furniture.

Coordinates can be found in the ZIP File. (7.0 MB)

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| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | No
| Support | No


Thank you so much!

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coords ?

in the video

nice job

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Hi nice job but I did some changes like merge all and made spawnable for using those scripts using shells that’s why I made two versions and thought it better to share
furnishedShell (7.0 MB)
nonFurnishedShell (1.2 MB)


The resource is free, you can do what you want.

Okay, do I need to remove anything from the folder “tpcm_shell” itself, or do I just drag and drop?

just stream files in one resource then call the name of model for spawn

Let’s say I’m trying to use the shell in an apartment script. Which of these do I use?


Which file do you need the ymap, ytyp or both?

I see I have one ytype too many, must see which is the right one.
This shell was created from my The Pink Cage Motel, so when I cut it out the shell was a little messy.

So it would have to be:
yt_tcpm_shell.ytyp is Shell
yt_tpcm_shell_room.ytyp is Room Prop´s

Nevermind, I figured it out

how did you do it?

What how did I do?
Do you mean Shell?
If so, then months of f*****g my brain until I could. So I mean do it, delete it, redo it… until you get it. :wink: