Modern Scoreboard [cd-scoreboard] | ESX and WarMenu based

This is a simple modern scoreboard based on Warmenu and ESX, enables users to get more information and shows an ID overhead when opened.



Main menu (note: the overhead text is visible only when the menu is open and shows on your own players head as well as the people around you)

Player Info menu

@XDope for adding the overhead display


1.0 Initial Release


  • Like any other resource.
  • Configure the button of your liking in the “config.lua” file

Add “Steam HEX” in the Player Info menu

After an accusation about “copying nopixel’s code and calling it my own” I have to address how this resource was made, I started by trying to make a scoreboard that has more customization and simpler usage unlike most scoreboards out there so for my inspiration I went with the design that nopixel has. I got the tip about warmenu from a few friends, built the menu layouts based on the documentation available for warmenu and got the base functionality (generating new buttons with player names and the info menu) from small parts based of skidmenu (I believe that’s the correct name), I then went on to create the “Total” count which I found out how to create thanks to the source code of vespuras scoreboard. After that it was time to edit the “theme” again using the info available online and screenshots from nopixel I used photoshop to get the colors and put them in the code. Then it was time to add the over head display, trying with editing multiple scripts on the forums and failing I git in touch with @XDope via discord he was able to help me get it setup and now our next step is to figure out how to add the steam hex in player info, so far no luck but we believe we found a way via ESX. Theres one issue with the menu and that is that the “Total” count doesn’t update, I have yet to find a solution.

Before release I decided to create a more “noob” friendly config file for those not as experienced in editing resources or lua in general. This was taken from one of my old resources, an ESX edit of a resource on this forum. Then the last part, the update checker which is just something pulled straight from github and modified.

If you have any issues or comments please put them below.


I like it a lot, but I can’t see where this is “modern” or whatever?

I’d say that the “modern” part is more of that the design is simple, compact and not cluttered unlike most scoreboards available.

You basically replaced CD where NPX was in the NoPixel scoreboard code and called it yours.

  1. The NoPixel scoreboard is different and looks different, has way more functionality if you watch people’s stream, is not based of esx and if you watch koil looks totally different in code from this

  2. How would I even get access to the NoPixel code if you I don’t have the server files which are private

  3. This was coded ground up by me using the template provided in the warmenu documentation and help taken from a few public github resources such as skidmenu.

No this is not stolen.

I even had trouble adding the over head which is where the destroyer comes in, he helped me with that, it may be inspired by nopixel’s but looks no where near the same

Read the updated post

I’m not arguing with you, i couldn’t care less, but if you throw up your client along side the dump client, there are a lot of similarities. Maybe it’s coincidence but some of it look the same with CD in the place of NPX. Just calling it how I see it.

Alrighty, well I would like to check it out but I don’t have a dump, might be a coincidence if so there’s not much I can do, I made it my way learning from docs and multiple streams, it works and this is how it ended up. If you want to improve it or just generally contribute to the project then feel free to do so :slight_smile:

Isn’t this technically a standalone script? I don’t see any ESX code used in the script. I could be wrong though.

The only ESX part is the overhead, @XDope helped me with that part, if you take a look into the “cl_sc.lua” file you’ll see it. This was the only way we were able to integrate it but if you know how to make it standalone then please feel free to edit it!

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Yeah… but other than the overhead it doesn’t look like you had any ESX code in the actual script so whats the point of the overhead? I don’t have a problem with it I’m just saying

It was mostly a request from some staff members in my server and another community I dev for. Instead of always showing it or just showing it for police/admins its easier to integrate into the player list which means anyone can easily see each others ID’s without them being visible in moments when you as an example are fleeing from police etc.

Doesn’t mess with RP and is useful when you need it for commands that require ID’s

@DooZolz Do you expect something different in creating 3DText? That is same wherever you go. Even No-Pixel devs Lua 3DTexts which I have used.

Other thing, you cannot get someones Server ID or his Steam name any differnet way then using same natives/code that any other scripts have used. So its basically same thing in any other script.


This looks great tbh. I might just embed it into EasyAdmin and have it so people can report people through this menu. The design is great and so is the concept.

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didnt you know, everything is stolen from nopixel LUL

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True, doj first now nopixel

That would be awesome, I was kind of thinking of making an admin menu based of this but I haven’t gotten around to doing that yet. If you decide to release it please credit this post or me and TheDestroyer for the original work!

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Compared it to Nopixel’s scoreboard and yet they look familiar, I don’t say it’s copied but strangely looking the same.