Model not found (Solved)

First of all I’m new but I have done some research. I’m trying to add a car and the server loads it but I can’t spawn it. I just get model not found. I did add it in the server.cfg.

Folder screenshot:

Stream Screenshot:

_resource.lua File:

resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

files {

data_file 'VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE' 'carvariations.meta'
data_file 'CARCOLS_FILE' 'carcols.meta'
data_file 'DLCTEXT_FILE' 'dlctext.meta'
data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'handling.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLES_FILE' 'vehicles.meta'

This is the car I’m trying to add:

My understanding is I need to use the name “i8” to spawn it in. I’m using vMenu to attempt to spawn it in. What am I doing wrong?

think that’s for single player not fivem… maybe need to convert to use in fivem…

i’m new to this still but aren’t they meant to be in a folder and add to resource folder and add to start config

like i.e folder I8 and a _resourse file… something like that

This works for fiveM too. It seems that I needed a vehicle_names.lua

You can follow this tutorial:

I’m facing the same issue you faced, so I followed the link you mentioned in your recent comment.
But, I cannot understand the last part of the steps. so can you please explain or please share your vehicle_names.lua ?
awaiting for your Response.