Model Blacklist RPG Issue

Issue for this script - [Release] Model Blacklist v1.1

Anyone know why when I block the rpg it works, however, lambda spawns 2 rpgs. So how do I blacklist the second one, I have


function isWeaponBlacklisted(model)
    for _, blacklistedWeapon in pairs(weaponblacklist) do
        if model == GetHashKey(blacklistedWeapon) or model == 2982836145 then
            return true

    return false

Run it as the haskey. RPG has 2 spawn names if I am correct. I have it blacklisted on my end.

So just running it as the hash key, instead of the hash key and the RPG.

I mean you can run it as both but if I am correct there are 2 spawn names for the RPG. Not just WEAPON_RPG but WEAPON_?.

1 of the RPG blacklists works but the second one doesn’t. You know the WEAPON_ or hashkey?

Have you tried WEAPON_STINGER = 0x687652CE,1752584910

Cheers man it worked!

You ever decided on the Admin Skin yet bro?