MMA Octagon, Legion Square - Map & Prop

Are you currently in pursuit of a distinctive and superior :boxing_glove: MMA Octagon solution to enhance your server? Look no further, for you have arrived at the optimal destination. GoDevStore proudly presents a meticulously crafted MMA Octagon​:stadium: available both as an immersive map element within Legion Square and as a versatile prop. Secure your acquisition today at an exceptionally reasonable investment. :briefcase::star2:


  • Editable Textures (YTD FILE)
  • Ability to use as a prop, map or both!
  • Pre-configured map at legion square
  • Works with our Boxing Ring map
  • Working Octagon door
  • High Quality

Purchase: :money_with_wings: CHEAP PRICE

Code is accessible Yes (YTD)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes