[MLO]Subway Restaurant | FREE

There is a collision error next door where you just fall through the map and walk through walls at limey’s next door

- Fixed door collision

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Thats actually very good! Thank you for sharing this with us and keep up to good work

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Did you ever find the subway chair script for this?

Any idea why all nearby trees glitch? No other maps nearby, nearest is cityhall.

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Please try again with only Subway Restaurant resource installed on your server.

Disabled every map and issue still persists, it’s a issue with your map since when I disable it all the trees work fine. Troubleshooting now and testing stuff.

Removing this fixed the issue :

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The blip disappeared after I converted the language to English.

yeah agree with this - looks great otherwise!

Amazing MLO, but am having an issue with the trees in the area looking blurry. Anyone else??

Nice MLO but I can, it not uses. I have on the left side a bakery and the Texture is complete broken!

Hello @shherbss
We will review this issue and fix it with the update.


Hello @Reddegger
Subway Restaurant mlo should not cause a texture problem when used alone. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do in case of conflict with other resources.

Next to JavaCafe

Hello, this guys do that and sell that : https://forzer-modding.tebex.io/package/5296415

happening to me too

Any word on an update at all OP?

this still has the issues with the trees outside

sadly yes. and the roads look kinda blurry too