[MLO]Subway Restaurant | FREE

@ferrretmaster12 you just need to transfer clothes files to a resource stream and after that you need to add a “__resource.lua” what for clothes.

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Can you make a chipotle?


@Payton_Bragg maybe in the future

I fixed something on the ground model, you can check it.

Great work man, using this in my server!

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@JulyGee thanks a lot

canyou make this for Singleplayer

Where on the map is this

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Down from LifeInvader


great work.

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I placed the mlo but it’s like another building is still there. I can walk into the subway and the interior is find it’s just the outside store front…does any1 know what file that is i have to delete to make the subway show outside properly…help plz lol (fivem)

Hi im looking for the prop names so i can add to it with my qb-target (bt-target) for my RP server

How to fix this being washed out at night.

A big update is coming to Subway soon.It will also solve it too

where is it located?

Next to Life Invader

Omg lovely

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Thank you so much ! Beautiful Job, it makes me hungry ! :laughing:

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My girlfriend works at a subway and I will definitely create a subway job and make her work at this subway MLO.


hello is a possible that u can move the store to other place?