[MLO] Small biker aera

“Hello everyone, this time , it’s a small MLO mapping to offer the Biker another discreet property for storing gear, taking breaks during a motorcycle ride, …”

personal message: thank you for being more and more to follow me on my various networks


:books:Table of contents :

  • :camera: Screenshot exemple
  • :video_camera: Vidéo demonstration
  • :floppy_disk: Download the mapping


:camera: Screenshot exemple :


:video_camera: Vidéo demonstration :


:floppy_disk: Download the mapping :
bikerpatoche.zip (13.3 MB)

personal message: thank you for being more and more to follow me on my various networks

:innocent: This is again my small contribution to the fivem community Hope you enjoy


An example of a bad MLO

Any arguments why?


Itd be great if you went and make something better instead of flaming this guy. People like you are the reason we lost so many contributors in the community. Go figure out setting a vps up and contribute at least 1 good thing to the community before being so rude in the future. Great job Patoche, glad to see you getting better and better on each release!


You’re an example of a bad attitude. Like mentioned above, you haven’t contributed one single thing to this community and for some reason want to attack geekbear for his contributions? You should really reflect on your attitude towards others because no one is going to help you when you’re being a complete ass.


Another great MLO from Geekbear! Thank you!
Only have seen one glitch in it which is when you are inside and you look at the garage you can see through the top until the garage opens. That being said this is a great MLO and great for helping fill out locations on the map


Go check it out yourself when you go in lmao.

Just because you don’t see anything when you stalked my profile doesn’t mean I haven’t contributed something to the community loool.

Just giving an honest opinion. Half assed MLO.

Will mention you once our Mission Row rework is finished buddy :+1:

i think he is sad :rofl:
@ChieF-TroN @TheRealMrNewb @iSentrie

I’m afraid of repeating myself, my shared mappings are free creations, I know that they cannot suit everyone. There is no obligation to download. Do not pay attention to this kind of character, they will only waste your time, made like me, laugh with them.

Love & Peace :heart:


That’s nice, too bad there is already a ton of them out there. If you make something unique, let me know. I might actually use it then. :+1:

Just keep up the great work buddy, obviously this person seems to be a young kid by their behavior.

And even though I don’t speak French, I always enjoyed your videos as well of the locations, and it always makes me smile whenever I heard you said “Chao, Chao”. Keep it up buddy :+1:

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There is a ton of them out there that are trash lmao made by those like geekdork.

This Small biker area is still trash btw

Don’t use this French fries MLO it has bugs

I really hope you didnt try to post that pic as your mission row.


GABZ MLO… nicely posted, but no your work there… sad :slight_smile:


Take a look at her profile, a two month old account with a trend of negativity per half of her recent comments, credibility is about zero.

Moving forward, great job with the release, and by far better than anything myself or her could do.

Certainly appreciate any contributors who put time and effort into something free for us.

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Pretty shitty of you to try and take credit for someone else’s work. Equally shit to be so negative without giving a proper explanation of said issues with OP’s MLO. They’ll probably fix it if you explained what was going on.

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I’ve seen all of @ChieF-TroN’s polite comments, but I’m tired of what you’re saying and not being screamed at for it. Please shut the fuck up with your opinions. People like you aren’t welcome on this platform, so please do us all a favor and leave.

Thank you.

PS: Edits are correcting words, not changing what I said. Also, mods, please don’t moderate me because of what I said to the person, they were being a jackass to @Patoche-Mapping.


@Patoche-Mapping Couple issues I found with your MLO to go back over when and if you get the time. :slight_smile:

There seems to be some edges that do not quite meet with each other mostly around door frames and a couple wall edges

When moving around inside props and the world outside despawn and spawn, this is a indicator that you need to fix the occlusions. There are a couple tutorials out there on this.

Also the bikerdoora seems to not load properly, can’t seem to figure out why on my own. Probably an issue in the manifest would be my guess.

Great work as always love the dedication and the positivity! :+1:

this is awesome man! love it!