[MLO] Sandy Shores - REBORN

Idk, I threw all of those out, they aren’t needed.

Not sure how much support is expected for deleting excess files.

If you’re paying 50+ for a resource you shouldn’t need to throw anything out.

Only in fivem do people think that random work like this is acceptable, and it shouldn’t be.


looks good, will there be future updates?

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YEs, they have a roadmap

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We conducted tests and the way scenario files are currently streamed increases the frequency of scenario peds. But who am I to lecture you, you know better.

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Everytime someone points out an obvious mistake, you use the same “defense”: pretending like it’s intentional and acting as if someone is talking down to you.

You’re streaming the Triathalon ped scenarios (not even the default ones) globally, which replace all regular ped scenarios with peds acting as if a global Triathalon is going on. The fact you misspelled the name of the folder, and never even bothered to remove this is totally bizarre.

You’ll continue to pretend like this is intended, but it’s clearly not, and exactly why people shouldn’t buy this kind of work from you.

The folder is called ‘Triathalon’ because the way we stream scenarios caused peds from the Triathalon mission scenes to spawn. We edited them to remove this. As I said before, if we used standard scenario file streaming, the frequency of scenario peds appearing would be much lower than it is currently. The fact that I’m telling you we’ve conducted tests still doesn’t convince you. But go ahead and live in your bubble, I can only wish you luck, because it’s hard to live with such thinking.

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No, it’s called “traithlons” (simple typo, again just basic errors you’ve been made aware of for a year now).

We edited them to remove this.

No, you didn’t; that’s why the entire world is peds just cheering on triathlons, and player’s worlds are completely devoid of any scenarios other than triathlons, and ped/player spawns are always a problem on any server using this map that doesn’t delete these files.

No one should buy your untested resources. I’m glad you responded the way you did so they could see how little work you put into testing your work.

Good luck XD

Does this work with server build 2372?

Yep, it works

Good map but lifetime not getting access to the MLOs like the subscription is a bit of a scam

Interiors will not be only in subscription, you will be able to buy them separately life-time

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That’s silly lol… no thanks.

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Yeah I agree lifetime should have the same stuff as the subscription

130 euros for 82 (future) interiors and a whole Sandy Shores?