Good evening! Spent some time looking at the different categories, figured this was the best place to post. Been on a roll creating MLO’s and buildings recently, currently have about 5 pretty much ready to go, and I plan on releasing within the next week, however im looking to do more. If you have any requests, or buildings you have dreamed of having a MLO, please let me know! Im happy to create anything.
On a whim here, but ever thought of making the “PIA” building at the airport an actual MLO? I saw one recently but appeared to be rather bad from a quality standpoint, could use a few other options for it
To be specific I’m talking about the small station building near the exit ramps of LSIA, not a lot of space to work with but some verticality to it will do the trick I reckon
i feel like Wholesale Mart at 397.57, -887.48, 29.47 would be a good spot for a dive bar…
if you know how to create new building exteriors, parking lots as well, a stripclub somewhere just outside of the city outskirts.