[MLO] [Paid] Braithwaite Tenement Houses MLO

Braithwaite Tenement Houses MLO release

This package includes:

  • 7 Houses on the Tenement of Braithwaite Manor, inspired for fisherman’s and farmers Roleplay!

Add it to your RedM Roleplay Server :wink:
Hope you enjoy it!

Video Preview: [soon ]
Tebex Link: here

| Code is accessible | Partial |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A |
| Requirements | Any Framework |
| Support | Yes |

Real MLO not YMAP/XML props / NO objectloader

Other YourMAPS MLO work that you might like to check:

ProngHorn Ranch
VanHorn Stable House
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SaintDenis Avenue
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Sisika Prison
Armadillo Reborn
Emerald Ranch
Rathskeller Fork
Dewberry Creek

Thank you!
YourMAPS team