[MLO] Mechanic │ Little Soul

Mechanic │Little Soul

This map contains a completely custom building with an MLO interior. Hope you will enjoy it!
You can choose if you want a English or Swedish version!




  • All custom built
  • Players doesn’t disapear in the interior
  • The interior have an audio zone that plays radio
  • The lifts have separated base and lift parts so you can create a car-lift script if you want
  • The interior is fixed so if you have a graphics mod you doesn’t get flashbang
    Thats the the basic

Preview video

Have fun!


Looks very beautiful! Good job! If I will have more players I’m sure that I will buy this from you! :slight_smile:

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Hi, is the mapping protected by CFX? Or is it possible to associate it with a mapping core?

Hi, it’s protected by cfx and tebex :slight_smile:

I have big problem

Texture problem, loss of certain street and building which is displayed badly ??? It is not ready to download

You have a map on your server that have outdated ymaps to gamebuild 2545. Turn off a map one by one to see which one it is.

Hey how to get rid of original textures?
I am on the latest build

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You probably have another map that is close to mine. Try to just start my map in your server.cfg and see if it’s still there after.

still there mate

Send me a message with your server.cfg to me and remember to remove your server key before you send it to me.

Hey i got this problem can u help me?

You need gamebuild 2545
So write “set sv_enforceGameBuild 2545” inside your server.cfg

HI Sorry, We have the same issue texture loss around vangelico area.

Hi, do you mean after you installed my mlo?

lindo de mais parabens

Muito obrigado @EVINHOGAMES

i purchased this when u first released it. Did u do a new update because Game build 2545 keeps crashing for me

Nope my mlo is still only for gamebuild 2545. You probably have an outdated map on your server that makes you crash.

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Where is this actually located in little seoul?

Can i get some support for this mlo? The area around this MLO is disappearing

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