[Mlo]Mads Designs Blaine County SADOT (non logo included aswell!)

blaine County SADOT HQ


Purchase Here

The mayor of Blaine County are very impressed with sadot and have invested in a new muti million pound HQ! This state off the art building will meet all of your sadot needs. from having training rooms to offices and a very large yard! here is everything included!

● Custom Props
● Cafe
● Reception
● Confrence Room
● Garage
● CCTV Room
● Training Room
● 3 offices
● Dispatch Room
● Breifing Room
● 2 Bathrooms
● Impound Lot
● and much more!


Non logo verson also included!

Code is accessible Partly
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Hey where do you have these cars with sadot livery?

hi, the liverys are made from me and the vehicles are made by a mixture of people!

Do you sell these liverys? Would like to use it with your sadot mlo

Yes! It is in my store. And all the download links for the vehicles are provided aswell

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Could you do a version without all the SADOT 3D logos, so its possible to use this MLO for other jobs? :slight_smile:

Hi, I will have a look at what I can do!

Something like this would be great

i have know updated it with a non-logo verson aswell!

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How would I go about adding this into the server?

hi, its a simple instualltion.

all you have to do is is

  1. drag and drop the folder mads_bc_sadothq_V3.4 into your resaurce folder

  2. go to your server.cfg file and add stream mads_bc_sadothq_V3.4 to it!

  3. then it should be working!

Idk what’s going on with this, but their are No other mlos anywhere near this. If you touch the walls they start appearing. My texture budget can’t be the issue. This is happening for everyone inmy server as well. If you move way away from building it loads in like normal. I noticed the scrap yard default stuff is just pushed under the map. Not sure if that affects it or not.

ever figure out whats causing this?

Does the file come with mapdata? Because it appears as though some of the stuff isn’t loading in like it should. Also be sure to download Bob’s IPLBob’s IPL that way it fixes holes in the map.

Do you have any yellow Jack and/or Sandy/Blaine county PD or hospital mlos in?

I’ve dropped this in the MLos file nothing and then in the standalone file nothing any suggestions?

Make sure you have your [Maps] or mlo’s file bracketed, so it doesn’t pay attention to it but to the contents, then ensure that you have “ensure [MAPS]” or what not in your server.cfg