[MLO] Los Santos County Sheriff Department

In the middle of the dry and wild desert, a new department is now offering support to all Blaine County officers, Los Santos government is finally doing something for the people in the desert, something beyond charging taxes and taking their guns, pigs…

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This mod is available on my Tebex: Los Santos County Sheriff Department

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This mod includes

  • Custom props
  • Custom map
  • LOD’s
  • Lightshafts
  • Audio occlusions
  • Unlocked textures, shells and props
Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based N/A
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
1 Like

Very good job. There are some tiring nights that I work on very small details along interiors, and here… I can see that you had a lot of long nights for this interior as well. The only thing I can say is: Brilliant! :star2:

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Yeah, you’re totally right, I’ve spent some long nights working on details in this one :rofl:

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Great work! Quality appears to be a top priority!

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have some issues with the building, who can I speak with

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