[MLO] Little Seoul Police Department

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Co ordinates : -487.8725280761719,-641.7890014648438,32.110595703125

This is a new Police Station MLO in Little Seoul. -

  • Must download the second zip file along with the purchase to get access to the editable props .
  • 3 floors with an in-built Medical station.
    -Separate Door entrance for ems.

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$80? yikes

96.00 USD for me lol why so expensive …

$96 for this



not to hate but from the previews this mlo loops to be very choppy. The doors don’t all fit correctly, the lighting inside looks a little messed up with floating lights and rooms that are lit with no lights. Maybe consider lowering the price to like 10 or 15$ or take the time to adjust and fix it by adding better normals and inside props that blend with the station

10$ for this would be good price

thanks for notifying the bug . its seems like a basic face flip issue . the price was not supposed to be 80$ . thanks for notifying the same .

can u plz tell me where the room with no lights is? and what props do u find odd in the environment . that door is fixed perfectly it is just the face flip issue . can u plz notify me of all bugs u have found so far? I’m just trying to be better at mapping. i would appreciate ur help

its been fixed . thanks for helping

im happy to get your opinion on things that u didnt like on this mlo? can u be more specific ? thanks

Why do u think this MLO will be Worth for only 10$ ? what are the things that u didnt like ?

from the preview, slides 6 and 9 have no light sources but their are still emissive, inside the 2nd half of the garage their is still light without any lights compared to the first half. inside the stairwell also. IMO the brick texture looks extremely big and that is the only room that has it. Most of the textures inside the pd don’t flow together and some look like they are lacking depth. Also the walls look semi bare inside the hallways and rooms so consider adding benches, trach cans, and bultins around do add more to see.


Thanks for taking time in reviewing my mlo. it helped me a lot

Vertex Color


Floor are to clean place props the walls too

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thanks so much for the review. it helped me a lot . hope u do the same for my other works.

without being rude … but for 72.00 USD you should have gone over this many of times to find little problems bro … spending $50 + on one mlo with little issues isnt right … you need to check , check and check again

yeah i agree with u. , im working on a MLO , i cant focus on that Police station for now ( i have the idea on revamping entrie PD ) . the thing is we ran this MLO on our server for like 4 months no one complained. u can get a free trail (1 dollar ) for 30 days and try this MLO for yourself and let me know if this mlo is worth for 72 usd.