MLO Interiors/exteriors

Hey guys!
I’ve recently got into making Multi Level Objects (MLO) interiors and exteriors.
I have some past experience with blender so I found that part easy.
Okay, I will get to it… :smiley: I would like to ask you as the community for MLO suggestions since I will share my creations free of charge.
I would like to avoid making yet another police station/hospital there are plenty already :slight_smile:


Hello, I’m looking for a Pink Cage MLO with hotel rooms, that would be amazing.

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Oh man, I’m sorry I didn’t know that existed.

No worries :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you working for a server for Map Development by any chance or do you just do it as a hobby?

I do it in my free time when I don’t have any other plans, so you could say I do it as a hobby

You should make a Los Angeles Fire Station MLO

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Hello i am looking for some one that could make a offroad dealership in or around Sandy if you could come up with something that would be cool I have not seen anyone make a dealership out that way that is a MLO

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would you make a rental car shop ? i have a place but im just starting to make mlos and dont know wha
t im doing yet.