[MLO] Illegal Neon Garage

Hello, I would like to offer you my project, which I am still working on. This is an illegal neon garage. I hope you enjoyed my post, I would appreciate any feedback.

I’m still improving it and I hope you like it.
Sorry for the video quality, I hope I can improve it.

:exclamation: Announcing that I have finally added the door. Additionally, there have been several updates such as the addition of an external LOD for MLO. :exclamation:





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Thank you all so much for your support, I really appreciate it, Regards Spirit 3D


So, you just placed default ipl on the map as MLO ? And you request money for this ?

yeah i don’t like porting to the interior so i added a tunnel with running water and a broken pipe to the neon garage and left it open.

You present it as a MLO garage, you dont have done the garage, you didn’t mention that you have only done the entrance.

Also, the price is just too high for just placing a IPL on the map

idk either if you have rights to sell R* assets

modify GTA 5 stuff and move them according to the rules. if you don’t know the rules, please read them before bragging here. Big LOST garage for sale is CTRL V and lots of other maps to buy. At least I assigned my own tunnel to make it more interesting. adding TUNEL as a new entrance doesn’t seem like a good idea at all as a name for the presentation I was doing. But it’s good to add it to the notes so people know there are custom things. That’s a good idea, thanks for the note

looks great!

Does it come with a garage door at the entrance of the tunnel? If not, would it be possible to create a version that has it?

There is no garage door. I wanted it to be an open concept that anyone could enter. It’s not a problem to add them, some basic ones from the game can also be useful or I’ll create my own. I would probably add them to the entrance to the GARAGE and leave the tunnel open the whole time. Alternatively PM me and I’ll arrange something.

Announcing that I have finally added the door. Additionally, there have been several updates such as the addition of an external LOD for MLO.


Thank you all very much for your support.
More bunkers and garages for illegal activities will be added soon.

Can you give me a discount coupon? I like this script, but my budget is not enough

is that already a free map ?