[MLO] Hidden Drug Lab


First Room


Drug Lab


This is a MLO located in the south eastern part of Los Santos! This exterior has been modified to blend in with it’s surroundings. As soon as you enter the interior you’ll be able to see a group of chairs surrounding a “poker table”…

A simple sofa is located right next to the loud electricity generator that is powering all of the electrical components within the MLO…

Across the room on the other side of the poker corner you’ll be able to see a hatch. The hatch will move aside upon movement and unveil a secret tunnel leading down to the main drug lab. To reach this lab you’ll have to take a ladder down to the bottom floor.

The bottom floor holds a complete drug lab of both cocaine and meth. In one corner of the room you’ll see a bunch of resources that are needed for the drug production… On the other side of the room you’ll find the tools to complete the final steps of the whole drug creating process.

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You’re always making the most interesting stuff :fire:

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Stopp it :blush:

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