[MLO] GTA IV Bank of Liberty Interior


I have recently been working on bringing some of GTA IVs interiors over to GTA V. Here is one of them!
The Bank of Liberty is located next to the Binco Shop in Mission Row, near Legion Square.


Preview: https://youtu.be/VQpEaBzrqsc

bank.rar (12.1 MB)


thank u

When did you make it?

Cheers! Everything is perfect, only one small issue the doorway is still blocked by the windows (the entrance)… could that be something on my end?

Strange it works now! Awesome release thank you :innocent: :clap:

Looks nice.


@Canis_Lupus 19.08.2020

Alright then :smiley:

My mans making another MLO to a interesting part of the map which could have fun mlo’s and stuff

how u fixed it