[MLO] [FREE] Sandy bar

Hello! Im coming with new release. Here is little sandy bar for you.

Also soon im coming with a new mansion around lake above the city. Here is little sneak peak Link



Good location, I personally haven’t seen any MLO’s in that spot before, so good for originality.
A little small and claustrophobic feeling, but overall decent for a small bar in sandy.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for future releases.


fxmanifest.lua is missing? :slight_smile:

he only supplyed the files you needs to stream them your self

There is one MLO already :eyes: :joy:

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Mlo is good

woooooah, never seen a building here, this is very nice!

This is very nice but I suggest you use more detail, this removes the artificiality.

This looks great! But sadly the download link no longer works ;/

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Do you mind updating the downloadlink? … Id love to use your MLO <3 …


the link is broken

its still broken, if anyone was think bout that :smiley: