[MLO] Flat Hideout / 5+ locations

Hi guys coming with new interior release! Hideout is placed in 6 different locations. New locations be will be added (post ur ideas below). Interior is ispired by mafia 3 game. If u have some ideas for new projects fell free to let us know.

File size- Interior(8.5mb) All(23.2mb)

Interior is located in 6 different locations across the map.

  • Flat1 (751, -1788, 36) - entrance /ed_flathideout_door (744.69, -1797.43, 29.19) - flat door /v_ilev_moteldoorcso (749.27, -1794.69, 36.28)
  • Flat2 (569, 108, 105) - entrance /ed_flathideout_door (561.20, 117.08, 98.55) - flat door /v_ilev_moteldoorcso (562.96, 112.31, 105.32)
  • Flat3 (-606, 216, 81) - entrance /ed_flathideout_door (-596.57, 210.32, 74.38) - flat door /v_ilev_moteldoorcso (-599.72, 214.09, 81.27)
  • Flat4 (687, -815, 31) - entrance /ed_flathideout_door (681.52, -823.49, 24.66) - flat door /v_ilev_moteldoorcso (685.37, -820.24, 31.68)
  • Flat5 (-1290, -779, 24) - entrance /ed_flathideoutdoor (-1289.57, -789.60, 17.92) - flat door /v_ilev_moteldoorcso (-1288.24, -784.65, 24.41)
  • Flat6 (257, -3280, 12) - entrance /ed_flathideout_door (262.68, -3270.14, 5.94) - flat door /v_ilev_moteldoorcso (258.48, -3273.36, 12.99)

Preview- link
Walkthrough- link
Tebex- link

For any support feel free ask. Hope u will like it :slight_smile:
Video Creator - Pieczara#2115

Latest interiors

Cave Hideout - link


Pawn Shop - link


Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based Standalone and subsricption pack
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Fivem ONLY, newest server build(2802)
Support U can find help on forum or our dc

1st one Looks like Life is strange 3 Studio above Bar LOL

Sandy please

well detailed, good lighting, I liked it