[MLO] FiveM Maps - CarDealer

New version of Car Dealer.

Showcase video :arrow_backward:

  • PRICE: 40$ + VAT

Buy Here :point_left:

ShowCase Server :computer:




  • A DealerShip through which you can rent it to one of your server players, which will generate energy and fun for you on your server

- Custom exterior

  • Mlo
    - Realistic and modern design
    - A lobby consisting of a reception, buying and selling sessions, and four restaurants for storing luxury cars
    - Restroom
    - CEO office / Meeting table
    - ShowRoom ( You can take great pictures for your car )

Technical description :

  • Realistic collision
  • Size : 26.8Mb
  • Editable Pictures

3DSPACE.COM :globe_with_meridians:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Support Yes, we have a Discord server at your disposal
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)

Can you make one in Sandy or Paleto?
Center is flooded with MLO and dealerships, Sandy and Paleto offer enough open places for creativity.

Nonethelss looks very good

Do you mean transferring it to Sandy or making a new one?

If you could transfer it.
I can do alot but have no clue on MLO’s

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i agree with randy make it in sandy

nice lookin mlo

Can you send picture were can i add it exactly in sandy?

Working on it!

can you show me where you going to place it i hope not near the police station


great map wow but expensive

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Possible fees in your country

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u made very job , congratulations (yes the ec0n0my in the country is b4d welcome to turkey )

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How much is it on your store?

There is Larry’s RV sales… let me show you another location.

Have a towjb atm, but not needed, as space is excellent

I put it there so I can’t change it now

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nice locations for somethind else perhaps, like here (fire station)

I changed the plan :sweat_smile:
I’m going to make a Workshop or Tunershop in SandyShore
Because the map is modern and does not fit with the Sandy atmosphere

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awesome like always :heart_eyes: :city_sunset:

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3D i have issues with the MAP because of the KOI Gabz, i have tried to access your discord but i cant, it says invalid invite, can you please help.

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