Head into stream folder and move just the [optional] out of stream folder.
Now head inside Optional [DROP OPTIONAL FOLDERS INSIDE] folder, Inside here you will see multiple folders starting with numbers 1-4, Pay attention as each folder can be swapped out.
For this installation we going to swap out theme from normal to xmas, In this case we delete 4_normal from Optional [DROP OPTIONAL FOLDERS INSIDE] inside stream folder, And then go to [optional] and copy 4_xmas
to Optional [DROP OPTIONAL FOLDERS INSIDE] folder inside stream.
4.Finally the same rules apply to the rest of the folders like swapping [lamps] to [streetlights], You can not have two of the same options in Optional [DROP OPTIONAL FOLDERS INSIDE] for example 4_ normal & 4_xmas, it has to be one or the other.
You’re right, a lot of love has been put into Legion Square, but also its leftovers. That’s why in my future projects such as Sandy Shores, Sandy Shores DLC’s or Halloween DLC for Legion Square, you won’t be able to experience that “love” as in orginal version of Legion Square, because they will focus on other aspects.
DLC in my opinion does not need more changes, in addition, with the release of the Halloween update were added and corrected things that apply to the winter version. As for the discount, I do not know if there is a point, at a time when the last discount was recently - anyway, we’ll see