[MLO][Asset] Warehouse Pack : Business Empire

:point_right: [Buy] Warehouse Pack : Business Empire :point_left:

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Special feature

  • 17 locations -> See all locations here
  • Weed farm Entityset
  • Meth labs Entityset
  • Arms factory Entityset
  • Cocaïne labs Entityset
  • Storage Entityset
  • Audio Occlusion
Entityset list
Entityset Int Small Entityset Int Big Description Works alone
wh_s_empty wh_b_empty Empty warehouse with light :white_check_mark:
wh_s_storage_a_empty wh_b_storage_a_empty Simple empty storage :white_check_mark:
wh_s_storage_a_01 wh_b_storage_a_01 Simple storage → Add more props :x:
wh_s_meth_empty wh_b_meth_empty Meth lab with machine only / not in operation :white_check_mark:
wh_s_meth_01 wh_b_meth_01 Meth lab with more props / in operation :x:
wh_s_coke_empty wh_b_coke_empty Cocaine laboratory / not in operation :white_check_mark:
wh_s_coke_01 wh_b_coke_01 Cocaïne laboratory With more props / in operation :x:
wh_s_storage_b_empty wh_b_storage_b_empty Simple empty storage (B) :white_check_mark:
wh_s_storage_b_weapon wh_b_storage_b_weapon Weapon factory with stotage (B) :x:
wh_s_weed_empty wh_b_weed_empty Weed farms / not in operation :white_check_mark:
wh_s_weed_stage_1a wh_b_weed_stage_1a Weed farms - small plants :x:
wh_s_weed_stage_1b wh_b_weed_stage_1b Weed farms - medium plants :x:
wh_s_weed_stage_1c wh_b_weed_stage_1c Weed farms - medium 2 plants :x:
wh_s_weed_stage_1d wh_b_weed_stage_1d Weed farms - big plants :x:
wh_s_weed_stage_2a wh_b_weed_stage_2a Weed farms - drying plantation :x:
wh_b_weed_storage Weed farms - Storage props :x:


G&N's animation script compatible

This script is offered to you with this product. 

-> See documentation for more information HERE

Easy Compatibity

Each warehouse contains its own file, which can be removed, modified or used for compatibility purposes (vanilla file). 

-> See documentation for more information HERE

Please note: No tablet scripts or warehouse purchases are provided. These are placed MLOs.

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Who are we?

G&N’s Studio is a French and Canadian team. Formerly known as GN Mods, our team is growing and our content too!

What benefits can we give to you?

Since sometimes, we provide customs and vectorials minimaps to our interiors.
We provide necessary scripts of certain products. You will find the related informations in the product’s descriptions.

Can I customize my interiors?

Textures: Our textures are in a texture dictionary (*.ytd) so you can easily change they as your needs!
3D Models: Some of our models will not be locked if you want to customize them (ex: brand badges, interior’s names, exterior buildings).

Are your files protected?

Yes, but we don’t lock the files that we modify of GTA (ex: exterior buildings).

I have an issue, can I have some help?

Of course! Be courteous and wait our response: we are not necessarily on the same time slot as you!

I have some compatibility issues with another creator’s MLO/Map, what can I do?

Do a compatibility request. We will do the necessary according to our availability and the feasibility.

How will my subscription be renewed?

Your subscription will be automatically renewed 30 days after the first subscription date.
No refunds will be allowed in case of forgotten cancellations.

Can I cancel my subscription whenever I want?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription whenever you want. There is no obligation on your part.
Your keymaster assets will be automatically revoked instantly. You will have to re-subscribe to keep it active.

Unit product Yes
Monthly subscription Yes
Minimap Coming soon
Audio occlusion Yes
Optimation weight Yes
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes


I would like to know what this script does differently compared to the bob74 script. Does it allow duplicating a warehouse to install it in different locations on the map?

Thank you in advance for your responses and help!

Would love to see a money counterfeiting EntitySet.

bob74_ipl fills in the interiors for the vanilla mapping around Los Santos.
While, in theory you could incorporate add-on entitysets/ipls into it, its main function is to provide congruency between the GTA:O updates R* pushes and FiveM.

This resource is a series of add-on MLO interiors developed by Geusepe and his team (I probably mispelled your name, I’m sorry) to facilitate criminal enterprise.
The scripting provided supports changing and updating the interior as needed for roleplay in addition to immersive animations to facilitate crafting mechanics for immersive roleplay.

I’m not a team-member, so if you need support for this resource, please reach out to @GN_Studio for help, but I hope this clears some things up.