A modern reporting system
Design that has a good user UI/UX for you and the players
- Online chat with players
- Send photo in report
- Goto and bring players
- Responsive ui
- Usage 0.00 MS
- Search Report
- Ability to send 3 types of reports ( BUG , Player , Question )
- Additional features will be added in future updates.
Config = {}
Config.ReportCommand = 'report' -- The command that the players use to report something
Config.ReportAdminCommand = 'reports' -- The command that the admins use to check the pendent feedbacks list
Config.Notify = function(title, message, time, types, svside, id) -- If You Don`t Use MJ_Notify edit this code... MJ Notify: (( https://forum.cfx.re/t/mj-notify-paid-standalone/4821883 ))
if svside then
TriggerClientEvent('MJ_Notify', id, title, message, time, types)
exports['MJ_Notify']:Alert(title, message, time, types)
Config.ScreenshotBasic = true ---- if don`t use screenshot-basic set false this value
Config.Framework = 'esx' --[ 'esx' / 'qbus' / 'vrp' / 'ace' / 'custom' / 'SteamHEX' ] Choose your framework so you can add resctict the command to be used by staff only.
Config.Framework_perms = { --You can choose multiple permission group to have access to use the UI. (This will be used by all framework versions by default except the "custom" option).
['admin'] = true,
['headadmin'] = true,
['owner'] = true,
['headhelper'] = false,
['helper'] = false,
['user'] = false,
Config.AdminList = { --[When You Use SteamHEX on FrameWork Put Admins Steam Hex There for can open reports list ]--
'steam:11000013cb8b8ba', -- MiLaD
Config.Locales = {
['new_report_admin_announce'] = { title= "Report System", text = "New Report Some one needs help!", type = "success" },
['new_report_player_announce'] = { title= "Report System", text = "Report successfully sent to the STAFF!", type = "announce"},
['admin_goto_error'] = { title= "Report System", text = "That player is no longer in the server!", type = "error" },
['already_conclude'] = { title= "Report System", text = "This Report already concluded!", type = "error" },
['chatmsg_player'] = { title= "Report System", text = "New Chat Message ReportSystem", type = "sms" },
['checking_error'] = { title= "Report System", text = "This Report is Checking", type = "error" },
['admin_arrived'] = { title= "Report System", text = "An admin arrived!", type = "info" },
['chatmsg_admin'] = { title= "Report System", text = "New Chat Message From Report #%s", type = "sms" },
['goto_admin'] = { title= "Report System", text = "You are assisting FEEDBACK #%s!", type = "info" },
['bring_admin'] = { title= "Report System", text = "You are assisting FEEDBACK #%s!", type = "info" },
['concluded'] = { title= "Report System", text = "Report #%s concluded!", type = "success" },
['goto_back_admin'] = { title= "Report System", text = "You Backed to previous position", type = "info" },
['goto_back_player'] = { title= "Report System", text = "Success! player return to the previous position", type = "info" },
['bring_back_player'] = { title= "Report System", text = "You Backed to previous position", type = "info" },
['bring_back_admin'] = { title= "Report System", text = "Success! player return to the previous position", type = "info" },
Config.BotName = 'Test' -- Write the bot name
Config.ServerName = 'Test' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = ""
Config.UI = {
["mainColor"] = "#2FC36F",
["BUG"] = "BUG",
["Title"] = "Title",
["Screenshot"] = "Screenshot",
["Description"] = "Description",
["Take_Screenshot"] = "Take Screenshot",
["Submit"] = "Submit",
["Reports_List"] = "Reports List",
["Top_Admins"] = "Top Admins",
["Sort_BY"] = "Sort BY",
["ID"] = "ID",
["TYPE"] = "TYPE",
["Status"] = "Status",
["Name"] = "Name",
["Action"] = "Action",
["Top_Staffs"] = "Top Staffs",
["Reports"] = "Reports",
["Report"] = "Report",
["Chat"] = "Chat",
["Spectate"] = "Spectate",
["GOTO"] = "GOTO",
["BRING"] = "BRING",
["Waiting"] = "Waiting",
["Cancel"] = "Cancel",
["Plaese_Wait_For_Admin"] = "Plaese Wait For Admin",
["checking"] = "checking",
["uploaded"] = "uploaded",
["uploading"] = "uploading...",
["Type_your_Title"] = "Type your Title...",
["Place_Image_URL"] = "Place Image URL...",
["Type_Your_Text"] = "Type Your Text...",
["Search"] = "Search...",
["message"] = "message...",
- Added Take Screenshot with [screenshot-basic] (can you set in config true or false)
- Added BringBack–GotoBack
- Added TopStaffs List
- Added Spectate Players
- Change Theme Color in Config
- Change Language in Config
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | UI ( 1100 ) - LUA ( 600 ) |
Requirements | ESX / VRP / QB-Core |
Support | Yes |
Check out my other scripts here:
MJ WeaponShop
MJ Notify
Weapons Menu