[MidwestRP] Looking for Developers!

Hey! So you came here because you want to be a developer huh? Well if you meet the requirements and expectations that we’re looking for then you might actually have a place :slight_smile: MidwestRP is looking for Dedicated and Knowledgeable scripters/programmers for two different servers. One being a Scripthook Based Server, and the other being ESX Based. If you’d like to further inquire more information shoot me a DM on here and we can speak further. :slight_smile: Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

I want to join bot dev!

i want to join dev! i know how to do esx cars and more

I make skins/textures for vehicles
Thoughts on this?

I have so fa made
Gruppe 6 2013 Tahoe all green lights
San Andreas State Trooper CVPI
CVPI Administrator Vehicle


The fuck is that:joy::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Its a 2013 Tahoe I textured to be Gruppe 6 Security company vehicle, it will be on GTA5-Mods very soon