To receive support, please fill out the following template, and remove this top text.
**GTA V version?**latest
**Up to date?**yes
**Legit or Pirate copy?**legit
**Steam/CD/Social Club?**steam
**Windows version?**windows 10
**Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?**yes Error screenshot (if any)
**What did you do to get this issue?**tried to spawn addon car
**What server did you get this issue on?**my own
Also add what you already tried so far.
I have reinstalled GTA V, I’ve verefied integrity of game files, I’ve restarted my PC, I’ve launched game in admin mode, I’ve completely deleted everything that has to do with FiveM to ensure a complete reinstall of FiveM, I’ve reinstalled mircosoft visual c++, I’ve made a new server. Any help would be greatly appreciated.