Miami RolePlay | Ran and Owned by IRL LEO | Apply to become LEO/EMS | Florida Based

Miami Roleplay Owned and run by IRL LEO

:zap: V-menu based :zap:

:red_car: Custom Cars :racing_car:

:man_office_worker: Custom Jobs :woman_factory_worker:

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Supporter Benefits :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

:helicopter: IRL LEO Benefits :policeman:

Welcome to Miami Roleplay! We are a Florida based server with tons of opportunity! We take pride in professionalism and dedication. We want everyone to have a wonderful and enjoyable time here while playing in our server. Our departments and server is owned and operated by IRL LEO and EMS, which helps greatly with day to day operations. Youโ€™ll be in GREAT hands if you join one of our departments! CIVs, we know you are the heart and soul of the server so we are happy to announce that there will be many civilian jobs available to you guys. Above all we want you guys to have fun! and if you have any questions feel free to create a staff ticket and someone will be glad to help you. Againโ€ฆ WELCOME TO MIAMI ROLEPLAY!