Metropolitan Roleplaying Community Looking For More Leaders and Developer's


MRPC was originally a community on Xbox. We were among the few popular communities, but then Xbox we got bored of and the community started to lose its player base, we then moved to FiveM.

What we are looking for:

Well my name is Fluffay, I’m the lead developer for the community. Me and the founder have been struggling to get on our feet by ourselves. We do have a team of Admins which are people who all share the equal rank and basically run the community as a whole. Each Admin specializes in certain fields of the roleplay (Police, Fire, Civilian, Recruitment, Development) well we are now calling on ALL PEOPLE INTERESTED to join our Admin panel. We are also looking for more experienced developers who can help us make our community different than others.


If you are interested you can message me on the forums or you can contact me directly by email (