Metal Detectors (with item removal)

Metal Detector with Item Removal


  • Place Multiple Detectors around the map, wherever you’d like

  • Unlimited Item Configuration (Not limited to just weapons)

  • Full detector configuration (toggle sound, change prop, multiple locations, jobs)

  • Choose which jobs don’t get items removed (can be different for each detector placed)

  • Use qb-target, ox_target, or 3D Draw Text for item retrieval (targeting system not required)

  • Notifications Toggle

  • Tutorial Included in download

  • Supports ox_inventory & qb-inventory, ox_target & qb-target (targeting systems optional)

  • Works with Quasar Inventory

Purchase: Solos | Tebex

This asset uses the FiveM asset escrow system to protect sensitive files. You can read more about the escrow system here.

Code is accessible No (Majority is accessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~400
Requirements QB/ESX, qb-inventory or ox_inventory
Support Yes

Support for Quasar Inventory, and a bypass per job check - would be amazing!

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It is compatible with Quasar and bypass job checks are included :+1:

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Support for changing the size of the ‘trigger’ on the detector? as i can stand 2ft infront of it and it still triggers it, and also Support for changing the sound file?

Also items in the config are only being removed 1 at a time, instead of all items in a stack.
If Running through the detector with a weapon equipped, the weapon will be removed from your inventory but you will still be able to use said weapon.

This is an installation error, open ticket in discord for support, sound files and distance trigger can be customized

Item Meta Data supported, saves weapon attachments,ammo, serial number, etc

Would this work with already placed metal detector props? Like some props that PD stations have?

Yes, there is an option for each location you place in the config to not have a prop at that specific location :+1: