Mechanic in MegaMall STO Motors - [MLO][PAID][FIVEM]

Preview: Thunder Shop Youtube

Purchase: TEBEX STORE $30

Map Mechanic and Vehicles Mechanic STO Motors

Editable YTD files

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Requirements No
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Since you already have the meshes can you make a Mega Mall in the Mega Mall?

I wanted to buy Don’s Mega Mall MLO but he doesnt have it listed as for sale on either of his Tebex sites and the only alternative is a mlo that doesn’t even use the entire building and looks really bad.

so there is basically no competition for that location anymore, hint hint

I have money ready to throw at some one

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Are the sign ydrs dependencies/ embedded to the shell?

I’d love this if I could rebrand the logos and signs.

logos are separate ydr props, not built into the shell

ngl little overpriced for a mechanic shop its kinda plane on the outside looks like you just made an interior for the inside of mega mall, retextured the outside, and added a logo me personally 20$ max.

very good your map

is this the only location it can go in

I really liked it

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