Mature 14+ Community | CLRP | Whitelisted LEO | Strict | Fun Community | Serious RP |Custom EUP and more

County Line Role Play | CLRP | FiveM | SERIOUS RP

We are a 14+ community, and we’re not like the rest of the servers on here, we only hire the best for our whitelisted departments. if you’re looking for a serious rp community, join today. active staff and leo. We have a full cad and active staff. Our server is community lead and we strive on your suggestions. this community wont disappoint. we have serious roleplay, and strict departments, and ones only deserving are let in, join today if you want a fun, yet serious rp experience. discord: County Line Roleplay
join today

Sincerely, The CLRP Team


That’s completely incorrect when I joined not 2 hours ago and notified the SASDOJRP Community Owner. This wasn’t you?


Oh, no, but it was, and you know it was you, because the second I joined the the Discord link that you provided above and began arguing about the rules document that, mind you, is from a community that I’m not even a part of however felt it to just be in general morally wrong to rip off somebody else’s document, I was banned straight away…

To add to that, your name was on that ‘Host’ role. No clue why you’re lying, just change your rules document and apologize to the rightful owner that you ripped it off from and all’s good because, well, it’s the right thing to do.


We have removed the document, and apologised to the owner. It was not my decision to enter those rules into our server, and has since been removed. Sorry for the argument.

The CLRP team would like to apologise for using a plagiarised version of a rule book stolen from another server. It was added by a developer, and not approved by one of the owners, we have initiated our own set of rules and have everything custom.



Great news to hear!


You’re welcome to join back, as we are happy for anyone to join, sorry for the inconvenience.


Great news to hear, glad for the argument and discussion! Great to hear you admitting and fixing your mistakes, can’t wait to see what this community holds in the future!


We’re looking for department heads! bump

