[MAP] [SCRIPT] [PAID] Night Club


In the year 2020, I made this same MOD available. Now I bring a complete remake of this nightclub.


  • Map: Alteration in the Cassino Night Club map: Positioned so that entrances are accessible through doors, without the need for using teleports.
  • System: Exclusive lighting system and settings that make the entire Night Club functional, including:
  • Lights
  • Dancing Peds
  • Security
  • Ambient sound (can be turned off or volume controlled through game settings)
  • Audio Occlusion (Great for realism and quality in VoIP, as well as muffling sound when passing through doors)
  • ​

What you can customize:

  • DJ choice
  • Activate or deactivate the dance podium
  • Activate or deactivate peds at the bar
  • Activate or deactivate dancing peds
  • Define the intensity of peds
  • Define the percentage of dancing peds
  • Activate or deactivate smoke in the environment
  • Activate or deactivate ceiling lights
  • Activate or deactivate strobe lights
  • Activate or deactivate Moving head lights
  • Define the styles of your nightclub
  • Define the colors of the lights
  • Activate or deactivate LED panels
  • Define the images for the panels


  • Map: Utilizes the same principles as the game’s maps, maintaining originality and performance.
  • Script: Standalone (usable in any framework) Created by “_oddo” (Discord), a professional who follows industry standards, aiming for good functionality and performance.

How to use:

  • Simply place the folder you downloaded in your server’s “resource” folder and enter the name “ZC_Night_Club_1” or “ZC_Night_Club_2” in your server.cfg.


Location 01: 988.309, 81.715, 80.992


Location 02: -949.384, -2069.510, 9.507



very useful, amazing !

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is there a UI for controlling lights? or is commands? location?

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Hello, thank you for getting in touch, update this information here in the topic :grinning:

You can enter my show case and test the mod :smile:

very useful, amazing !

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Hello nice release, will it work with gabz casino map?

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hi, just bought the script. But how to join your discord? I can’t seem to find a link?

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Hi, I haven’t tested it. I will soon release an update that adds the map to another location, so you can choose which one to use. Everyone who has already purchased will have access.


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good job, I loved it! :heart_eyes:

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The lights inside the club are really cool!

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Amazing mod, I love it! although when i try to record and edit photos in rockstar editor (from within the server) after being in the club, it always crashes to desktop with no error message. Is the escrow causing that? I mean its no big deal as it i can load clips via replay editor, but just wondered if there is a fix for it?

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Hi, I’m glad you liked it, thanks for getting back to us. I recorded the video using Rockstar Editor, edited the cameras and had no problems, but I did it on a clean server and entered the editor through Fivem itself, how are you using it?

I use a “recording” resource on my server, and usually enter rockstar editor from within the server using the command /rockstareditor (or via vmenu). Most of the time, clips load in fine, but since adding the nightclub in, if after entering and whether i exit or not, and then try to load a recorded clip, the game just crashes to desktop with no error (the server log records it as a server timeout).
but If i enter Editor via reply editor on the menu, it doesnt crash. Not really sure why it crashes like that.

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open a ticket on my discord please

Hello, I made an update, now when you download it comes 2 resources so you can use the club in different places. You must choose one of them.

I loveeeeeeedd !! So cool , fun and useful!
AMAAAZIIINNNGGG :boom: :boom: :fire:

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New priceee!!!