[MAP] Main Parking Neon

The world will never be the same again,

Hello, I would like to introduce my project to you. This is the modification of the main parking lot. Everything is optimized as best I can. Added external LOD for maximum stability and optimization and also used primitive collision boxes for your convenience. I have created my own unique items. The entire parking lot is beautifully newly lit with neon lights and added islands :). I hope you will like my work.

:link: Link


:link: Related pack
Casino Parking Neon

:brain: Information

The project is only compatible with : map4all-pillbox

If you have another hospital and are interested in my work, please send me these files from your hospital and I will edit them immediately and send them back. ( dt1_06_0.ybn - hi@dt1_06_0.ybn - hei_dt1_06_strm_0.ymap )

If you purchase the project Delete these files from the Hospital and keep the files I created. dt1_06_0.ybn - hi@dt1_06_0.ybn - hei_dt1_06_strm_0.ymap

:framed_picture: Screenshots

SnĂ­mek obrazovky 2024-07-17 203842

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements 2699
Support Yes

Thank you all for your support, I really appreciate it, regards SpiRit


more neon parking lots please :heart::fire: