[MAP][FREE} Pacific Bluffs Island Resort

Two islands off Pacific Bluffs Country Club. The island are accessable from the mainland by bridge.


  1. Filled in under island
  2. Replanted some vegetation and fixed the floating prop at the bar
  3. Placed curtains over the doors

Thanks to Elina and ProtonHorse for the feedback to improve the islands.


Fixes without door curtains

pacific_bluffs_resort.zip (16.3 MB)

Fixes WITH door curtains

pacific_bluffs_resort2.zip (16.3 MB)

Remove the 2 from the folder name and drop in to replace current install

---- FEATURES ----

2 islands (modified gta islands)
Bridge across (avoids npcs on jetskis, boats and on the beach)
Several huts as accommodation (props only, not mlos)
Beach bar
Access track through tropical forest, go slow it’s rough in places
Road/foot bridge across to second island (gta prop modifed)
No vanilla game files modifed so will not conflict with mlos etc in the area


I had an initial idea which involved the east coast including highway and islands, however my blender skills are not up to it yet. After seeing LeM28 beautiful island (available here), it inspired me to modify my original plans. LeM28 gave me permission to use his asset however I didnt end up using it, but my inspiration was definately driven by his map.

— INSTALL ----

Drag folder into resources and start/ensure in server.cfg

----NOTE ----
I am sure with all the vegitation, there will be a floating tree or bush I missed, please let me know and I will replant it.


nice man 10/10

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:fire: :fire: :fire:

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This is actually nice, but there’s a problem that I’ve seen with these kinds of maps. The bottom part has no collision, and you can see through it. Other than that, I think you did an awesome job!

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not sure where you are referring to with the no collisions? can you be a bit more specific so i can try and fix it

floating props

it would be nice some door in the wooden houses


Thanks, I’ll fix those floaters.

I was going for a more open plan, tropically look with the no doors thing. I might look at a custom door now you mention it, like on the huts in the show Gilligans Island

oh nice, keep the good work! Thank you so much!

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I’m talking about these spots.

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more bugs and texture bugs

Dosent work!
I can see only the tables, chairs and trees.

Hey, not sure why its not working for you. I have downloaded and double checked the maps and they have all the files there.

The only reason I can think of is there is another map you have loaded with props as the same name as the island props.

I have renamed the island props and tested it, see if this will work for you

pacific_bluffs_resort2.zip (16.3 MB)

Love it so much! I like a lot the new doors! thank you soo much! I just wanna leave this pictures to show how beautifull is, i also used a mood to add glowing palms!

hello! I don’t know if you will read this, but sadly, I have found that there are people reselling your mapping for 15 dollars, if you need the link to report them or I can help you in any way, let me know without problems.

yes i have had a few maps being sold by others, and unfortunately due to this, I have lost interest in providing free maps anymore :slight_smile:
If you could provide the link I will give them a blast, not that it makes any difference

looks great!!! thanks

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