[Map-Fix] Improved Fire Stations


V1.0 Station 7 doors are open

Moved download to Github:

Station 7 Doors Before:

Station 7 Doors After:

Broken Davis Doors:

Known Issues are:

  • Davis Station Back Doors Are Transparent But Solid
  • Davis Station Front Door Is Solid But Transparent From The Inside

Hope to fix these issues with a later update of the map.

To Install Just Extract the Folder Into The Resources Folder Of Your Server And Add “start ImprovedFireStation” To You ‘server.cfg’.

The Project:

The project that i have started with my good friend is to go and fix the fire stations around the map. What i am hoping to achieve is adding interiors to fire stations that don’t have interiors as well as fixing up stuff like the solid doors that are in the back of the Davis and Station 7 Fire Departments

Mike’s Profile: Profile - JoKeR132 - Cfx.re Community


Love it man, I Have been looking for something like this for a while.
Can’t wait till you get the solid doors fixed but other than that I hope to see more from you.

Thanks for liking the project.


This is nice. It just needs the fixed collisions :slight_smile:

yes, the collisions are annoying but we are looking into it and will hopefully have the an update soon


Are the collisions fixed?

Afaik collison is only on Davis Ave. Station, at the moment we are using this resource for STATION 7 nad don’t have collison.

Oh ok.

1 Like

Adding this to our server now. We already had a map that opened the front of Station 7 so I was looking for one for Davis when I found this. Hopefully you can get the collisions at Davis fixed as I personally prefer that station when we are in southern Los Santos as it’s more centrally located than Station 7. My guys on the department will be excited for the back doors of 7 to be open finally though (some of them prefer Station 7 and have been bugging about getting those doors opened).

I added this to my server it seems to be working but I am having collision problems with the doors just wounding if they might get fixed soon.

which doors because the doors at davis are broken but i have not had enough time to go and find a fix

the back doors of station 7 and all four doors a Davis

i just did a fresh download and put it into my localhost instead of the beta and it worked perfectly so dont know why you are getting collisions may check you dont have any other station 7 collision resources that could conflict with this one

Okay I fixed it I had another ma that was messing with it and I just removed it. Thank you for the help

This is great, thank you!

I have a question/suggestion for you to consider when you have a chance to work on the doors at the Davis/MacDonald station. Would it be possible to remove the exhaust hoses that hang down, or at least maybe remove the collisions they have? I get the hoses being there are realistic, but having them be 100% solid like they are is not. IRL they would just get bumped out of the way, which I realize is not easily doable in GTA, which is why I’d like to see them just be removed.

@Mr.RageMonster I have fixed the issue with Davis Station and packed it together here:
ImprovedFireStation v2.rar (3.6 MB)

And @TTVResqDiver1317 I made a special version with the fixes just for you (This one is untested):
ImprovedFireStation v2 without hoses.rar (3.6 MB)


The version without the hoses appears to still have the hoses and their collision when I just tried it. Cleared server cache just to make sure it updated, but still had hoses hanging down in both El Burro and Davis stations. Not sure if it’s just something on my end, though.

Alright I’ll look into it later tonight and see if I can get it to work for everyone :slight_smile: Thanks for testing that one out