[MAP] Christmas Content

Christmas content

Hello everyone, I present to you my Christmas content for this year, I hope you like it.

Last year’s ornaments were redone and many more were created, in addition to a beautiful new Christmas tree in two versions:

The following contents are available:

  • Ornaments on the palm trees
  • Ornaments at traffic lights
  • ornaments on some street lights
  • Christmas tree
  • Animated Christmas tree

You can buy all the content in a single package, and if you don’t want to buy all the content, you can still choose a package containing only the decorations on the palm trees, traffic lights and street lights, or a package containing only the Christmas trees.

If you have purchased the animated tree package at Christmas 2021, you will have a package available at a lower price, choose it, the system is automatic, taking into account the user who purchased the respective package.

Please pay attention when choosing packages so there are no mistakes, if you are in doubt about the contents of each package, contact me.

In addition, it comes with fake models so you can make your own changes with codewalker.

Packages are available HERE

Important informations

  • The purchase process is done through Tebex, official partner of fivem, after the purchase you will have access to the files by connecting to keymaster in the GRANTED ASSETS tab.

  • We’re using the cfx team’s Asset Escrow, you can read more about it HERE

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Server Build 5181+ and Game Build 2189+
Support Yes

Any news on 2023?

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yeah, coming soon