[MAP] Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024

A little earlier this year, and once again I bring my decorations to light up and decorate your server.

You gonna have a special price if you purchased any Christmas Content last year.
The system is automatic taking into account the user who made the purchase.


What’s New

11 new decoration models, totaling 38, new light option for palm trees, rainbow, and a new Animated Christmas Tree. In addition, the Christmas Trees scattered around the map now emit Christmas Melodies.
Now the positioning of the Christmas Trees is done through a config.lua, where you define coordinate and rotation values, in addition to defining whether or not the Christmas Melodies should be emitted.

You have 7 options available on palm lights, by default the GOLD option is running.


Christmas Trees scattered around the map


New Animated Christmas Tree

Remembering that you will receive fake models so you can make your own changes, using codewalker, move/remove ornaments to work perfectly together with the other mods/modifications made on your server.


Important informations

  • The purchase process is done through Tebex, official partner of fivem, after the purchase you will have access to the files by connecting to keymaster in the GRANTED ASSETS tab.
  • We’re using the cfx team’s Asset Escrow, you can read more about it HERE
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Server Build 5181+ and Game Build 2545+
Support Yes

Are there any conflicts with any other MLOs, and if we have a custom Legion Square , I guess we will have to move some lights and that from it in codewalker?

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hey, that’s exactly why I provide fake models, so that changes can be made using codewalker, aiming for compatibility with all other maps, square customizations or any other area on your server

Any chance of a none xmas one , So makes Citys look alive

Used this all Xmas had 0 issues. and worked great

like the lights on the palm trees didn’t flicker, just stayed on?

This a reply to me ?

No i had no issues at all.

Was asking if we can get a all year round one without the Christmas lights?

@DABRIT yeah, it’s for you, I didn’t understand your idea, I imagined that what you wanted would be like the lights on the palm trees, but static, just “illuminating” instead of blinking

Even blinking would be fine , its more of a case of the ones on the posts and that , that was Christmas related, liek if we had the trees on there own , for when not Christmas

As for that, you just need to delete the unwanted stuff, the resource is divided into folders, so you could easily delete just the decorations on traffic lights and Christmas trees and keep just the lights on the palm trees for example, or any other combination you want

How about getting Purple Lights for trees? or Purple White

Well, not all colors look really good, but I might consider this option for next Christmas.