Make a Admin ped to a add-on ped

Hello! I have a qustion, i have seen some servers have like add-ons peds. For exempel a admin ped have a ap_admin_a3 Or something with Admin. I have searched for it for a long time but have not found anythingn

Here is an admin ped for you :slight_smile:

Hope this helps

He wanted an addon ped, one thats not in the trainer, although im glad you like my ped!

Honestly, I’m not fully sure how to convert my ped to an addon. I’ve heard that unlike vehicles, you can rename the files. I’m not sure and didn’t test this.

It’s actuallty pretty easy I have done so and whitelisted it to admins on my server.

I can release it as a requested ped with credits to you for the ped. if you want I don’t mind.

I’d prefer if you just PM’d it to him. Although I can’t really stop you.

Dude I don’t care. Was just gonna do it to help you it’s quite easy to do.

Create a stream folder put the peds in there with your custom ped name, e.g. s_m_m_admin_01.

Then create a __resource.lua with this inside.

files {
data_file 'PED_METADATA_FILE' 'peds.meta'

Once you have done that create a peds.meta file with this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- <PropsName>s_m_m_admin_01_p</PropsName> If you want the ped to have props-->
         <IsStreamedGfx value="false" />

Make sure the ped file name in the stream folder is the same as in the peds.meta.

You’re done, just make sure to add it to your server.cfg.

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lucifer is there any xml also for animal ? I mean for horses or deer that you can share (for example for the ped “a_c_deer” )?
Thx in any case :)!

Thx Clatanii, I already know how to do vehicle addon and ped addon , but about ped only for female and male, I mean I don’t know what I should put inside this text for the ped animal

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <IsStreamedGfx value="false" />

I was just able to find that I should change this:
should be:
the other line I don’t really know what animation and other text I should put inside.
When I spawn the animal he looks deformed because the animation are wrong (since they are not the same as a male man).