Mafia/gang script with interiors!

Hello there guys ! Are you tired of 100 mlos for all your gangs and mafia clans on you server? Just horrible for you fps and server optimization,am i right?
I invented and made a script called rb94-mafija , it offers you to have over 1000 gangs and mafia clans
with own house/crib and still have 0.0 in resmon and best optimisation out there!

The script uses gta 5 online interiors , so no addons mlos! The gangs share one gta interior and mafia another. But can they see each other? NO! They cant they are in one cloud (instance) and able too see just own gang/mafia members .

The script is tested on a mod with ox_inventory and a standalone custom inventory . Its just perfetk .
If you dont use ox_inventory you can still adopt the script to your inventory system and server becouse its all open! Open soruce …

The script has a hughe config , its all there , all you need!

-Police can raid the mafia/gang houses(bases)
-The script is using just two gta 5 interiors no addons
-Every gang shares one interios(no stacked interiors underground) but they see just own mafia/gang members
-Every gang/mafia has stash,bossststash,outfit locker,boss menu
-Gang interior small and not so rich , mafia big and rich
-Easy config to add gangs/mafia how much you want
-If the job is gang then the members of the job are gonna enter the small interior
-If the job i mafia then they enter the big one
-You can have over 10000 mafia/gang organisations(jobs) and the script will allways be 0.0 in resmon

The full show case of the script and how is it working on this link:


Open soruce on this tebex link


Showcase for ox_inventory version and qtarget :

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes

Great script bro !


Zašto jeftino?


Thank bro!

Its the price for it what can i say :slight_smile:

does it use routingbuckets? can i change interior coords??

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yes its all explained in the video and description