Macabre Mutant Ninja Chelonians 1.0

Macabre Mutant Ninja Chelonians is a throwback to an amazing 90s cartoon mixed with the beautiful world of Red Dead Redemption

Features all 4 chelonian/turtle shells with weapon accessories on there back

Chelonian Turtle Shell - Streamable custom textured object
Leonardo -with his Dual Katanas and a little rat on his shoulder to represent splinter
Donatello - with his bō staff
Michelangelo - with his nunchucks
Raphael - with his Sais

Can be made into items for Vorp and Redemrp Frameworks
other frameworks simply use the commands /turtle and corresponding number and /dturtle to despawn, you can turn commands off in the config

a shredder update will be coming to which will feature
4 different coloured full face bandanas for the chelonians/turtles
a shredder accessory outfit and a bebop and rocksteady accessory outfit to

and another update that will make the weapons work - this is a big work in progress

watch the video - Macabre Mutant Ninja Chelonians - macabre redm - YouTube

tebex - Macabre Redm | Macabre Mutant Ninja Chelonians (

the turtle shell is a streamable object that was custom textured for this project by


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this is just funny no way its a western fit in but nice

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what you mean its not a western fit look at it !! :rofl: :rofl: i just had to do it lol


i totally use that in story for fun but its not for story mode lol

Great work! Wonderful job keep it up!


thank you :slight_smile:

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