Ma souris bloque dans le menu / My mouse stops in the menu

Quand je lance FiveM ma souris fonctionne normal et après 10 seconde ma souris bloque et je peut plus bouger avec la souris. pourquoi?

When I run FiveM my mouse works normal and after 10 seconds my mouse blocks and I cant move more with the mouse. Why?

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Try launching GTA V normally and change your Mouse Input Method to “Raw Input”


you might want to try ALT+F4, sometimes this is required for some reason.


Ok Thanks, I’ll try but ALT F4 does not work and It is already in raw imput

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Version GTA:
Social Club
Windows 10
Screenshot Folder GTA5:
Screenshot GTA5 Update x64 dlcpacks:
CitizenFX.log : CitizenFX.log.1 (26.6 KB)

I have de same problem

I am in " RAW INPUT " and same problem…

When I run FiveM my mouse works normal and after 10 seconds my mouse blocks and I cant move more with the mouse. Why?