m-FOV | Realistic Field of View System

m-FOV | Realistic Field of View System

m-FOV is a realistic field of view system developed for FiveM, designed to enhance the roleplay experience.

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:link: m-FOV - Standalone

m-FOV | Realistic Field of View System

Description: m-FOV is a realistic field of view system developed for FiveM, designed to enhance the roleplay experience.

This script adjusts character visibility based on the player’s perspective, reducing the opacity of characters outside the field of view. This ensures that players can only clearly see characters within their direct line of sight, making in-game awareness more immersive and realistic.


  • Realistic Field of View: NPCs and players outside the character’s vision become less visible.
  • Optimized Performance: FPS-friendly with minimal impact on server performance.
  • Fully Customizable: Opacity settings and interaction range can be configured.

Docs: m-Fov | Synth Store
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AKmvsvxWnQ

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:clipboard: Script Details

Property Information
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

Will this later include some stuff for like first-person so better field of view for first person shooting etc also for like vehicles like better FOV for that along with maybe including away for blind spots being things as a person that likes to drive in first person that would be really useful and to have a script that includes something like this along with the other features I mentioned I could see this script getting used a lot within the fiveM roleplay community


This is truly a great detail in terms of roleplay, and I’m currently using it on my own server. These kinds of small details are very important.


Seriously? Free & encrypted ???




Open source version by TGIANN:


Yea kinda wierd.


It’s GitHub - TGIANN/tgiann-realistic-field-of-view: This script is designed for GTA 5 FiveM servers to simulate human vision by making NPCs within the player's field of view semi-transparent. This feature helps players in roleplay scenarios by visually indicating which NPCs and players they haven't seen, enhancing immersion and realism.

But the author has changed instead of mouse movement it will modify the FOV according to player movement.