Lysol's Midget Ped #4

My fourth midget ped that I made with basic clothing options for $10, hope y’all enjoy.

Image Album: Lysol's Midget Ped #4 - Album on Imgur


4x Mask’s

4x Top’s

3x Bottom’s

Known Issues:


If any issues are found please contact me.

Tebex Link:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements A server
Support Yes

Ped has been reworked, optimized and updated.

Ped 4

Hey Lysol, hope you well. I was wondering if people who have purchased the PED already can request more clothing for the PEDs at an additional charge. I tried the Discord link in your tebex but sadly it is no longer valid.

the police belt is stuck on him how do i get it off? PLS help

Hi, I had bought a PEd model for 1 day ago but still haven’t received one yet. Is it something you can help me with?

Hello, I was wanting to purchase the ped but had some questions about clothing creation for the ped. Would love to get in contact

I love that FiveM allows people to sell there terrible looking ped with a derogatory slur in the title of the post.

it should be in your email your gave them when your bought the pack.

No, it isn’t :frowning: I dint know why.

Is there a way to remove the hat? Can’t find it

This ped is now 25% off for a limited time.

This ped is now 25% off for a limited time. Go check it out ASAP!