Lyons Factions - | Dynamic Factions(No need jobs) | Capture Areas | Rewards

:rocket: Lyons Factions

:mag: Brief Description:

A full factions script has arrived in RedM! Easy to use and everything is configured in-game.

:star2: Script Features:

This script offers the following features:

  1. :lock: Creating Factions: An admin can create factions within the game, create ranks for them and assign them a leader. This script does not interfere with jobs and groups.

  2. :rocket: Creating areas: The admin can create an area by setting the name, the radius of the area and the reward per hour (you can edit the reward time in the settings).

  3. :triangular_flag_on_post: Capture of areas: You will be able to compete against other players by capturing the area for your faction to win the reward.

  4. :busts_in_silhouette: Guards: You can hire guards to watch over your dominated areas. You can also call them to go and attack an area.

  5. :wrench: Customisable: Currently it is used in VORP, but if you open a ticket we can adapt it for any framework.

  6. :arrows_counterclockwise: Plug and play: Everything is configured within the game. You don’t need to load any SQL files.

  7. :bar_chart: Webhooks: You can add webhooks to alert you when someone is capturing or has already captured an area.

  8. :bulb: Special Offer: The current price is an introductory offer. As we add more features this is likely to increase.

:camera_flash: Image Gallery:

:movie_camera: Demo Videos:


:credit_card: Purchase/Download:

  • Free/Paid: PAID


:hammer_and_wrench: Support and Updates:

From Lyon Scripts we personally make sure that our scripts are always up to date. As we will always maintain an exclusive support for our customers, in any problem that may arise regarding any of our scripts.

:question: Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Will this replace my society script?: No, since society scripts use the jobs to make groups, this system uses its own independent save.

  • Do I have to install anything first?: You don’t have to install anything, just ensure and play.

  • Will I receive updates soon?: We are currently working on the next versions of the script so you will receive constant updates with new features, but you will never be affected by the changes.

  • How long will the launch offer last?: The launch offer will last until the next script update in a few weeks.


| :open_book: Code Accessibility | No |

| :arrows_counterclockwise: Subscription-Based | No |

| :abacus: Lines (Approximately) | 4200 |

| :hammer_and_wrench: Requirements | oxmysql - vorp_menu |

| :telephone_receiver: Support | Yes |

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