Luxart Vehicle Control V3

You’ll need to install the optional Traffic Advisor plugin: TA - wiki

Have you tried this? If so, what does your SETTINGS.lua file look like?

I have your TA plugin installed, and have configured the hot keys accordingly. You can see it proc the extra and repair the vehicle, but there’s no change to the status of the TA or extra.

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This is my fault, I have to configure using your TA assignments. It isn’t plug and play like previous versions.

An update:

Here are the settings for people who have ONLY SoCalThero’s vehicles. There is no ‘On-Scene’ lighting setting in your config, so I left that out.


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How does change siren tones in the menu work I’m trying to understand how to get that part to work and how does the extra integrations work?

So the menu can change your primary manual tone, secondary manual tone, and auxiliary tone. In addition, it can change if a tone is played by cycling using the default: R key, key only so only when the associated num row key is pressed or disabled all together.

All the additional tone configurations happens outside of that in SIRENS.lua where you can assign tones to vehicles.

In regards to extra integration that is an optional plugin that enables whelen command or fedsig blueprint like functionality. Basically you can have the vehicle toggle extras based on certain states (brakes applied, door open, horn, etc). More information can be found in the wiki to determine what plugins are right for you, your vehicles, and your community.

That makes so much more sense thank you!

How do I move where the hud is?

Using the menu under hud settings, you click the option to move it, then drag and drop, and hit esc.

Wow im dumb lol. Thanks!

Im having issues where the sirens arent synced the driver can hear the siren but the passenger cant hear it or sometimes if there is a player near me they here the default siren but if they turn on their siren they here the custom siren they have.

Please make a bug report Issues · TrevorBarns/luxart-vehicle-control · GitHub.
That will allow for better communication and tracking.

Stable Revision Made

  • 3.2.4-rev1: An embarrassing mistake of incorrect event names client side
    • Files Changed: UTIL/cl_lvc.lua

If you previously downloaded 3.2.4 please update to the latest revision from the releases page. There was an error in preparation for release. Sorry for any inconvenience. You do not have to completely reinstall simply copy UTIL/cl_lvc.lua from the updated revision to your UTIL folder.

is anyone elses light not working

Haven’t had any reports of light issue, check console logs any errors?

The hole saving, copying, loading, pre-sets part of it is not working for me. Any fixes?

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Is it crashing or just not working? What is it doing please provide more information?

Just would not load the saved presents, i just realized that there was a update for it. It works fine now thanks anyway.

I found a bug that if you try and load a profile with tones that are not assigned the error message crashes it. So keep that in mind. Will be fixed on next update.

Ok, super super nice script btw, good job on it.