LUCKY PLUCKER 2 | The new fastfood fried chicken FiveM

In this package you can find:

  • 5 different rooms (principal room, office, dressing room, waiting room)
  • 3 different entrances (enter base, 2 entrances only for staff)
  • Custom props
  • Possibility to do drive-in
  • Plug and play resource

If you like Luckyplucker 2 also try looking at Luckyplucker 1 here:

Purchase both luckypluckers at a special cost:

Tebex Link:

Preview :


My other maps
[RELEASE] [FREE] 10 Prop water for ymap constructions
[RELEASE] [FREE] 15 Prop fire for ymap constructions
[RELEASE] [FREE] 17 Prop smoke for ymap constructions
[PAID][MLO]Carwash - Grove street
[PAID][MLO] Gun shop Pack - Redm Mlo
[PAID][MLO] Lab Meth | FiveM laboratory meth
[PAID][MLO] Town hall blackwater - Redm Mlo
[PAID][MLO] Gun shop blackwater - Redm Mlo
[PAID][MLO]Weed Labs - Fivem Mlo
[PAID][MLO]Coke Labs - Fivem Mlo
[MLO][PAID] Carwash - carwash and mechanic
[MLO][PAID] Cool Beans - CAFE MLO
[MLO][PAID] 9 Small and large apartments
[MLO][PAID] Motel Harmony
[MLO][Paid] Lucky Plucker - Fried chicken fast food
[MLO][Paid] CayoPerico Police Department
[RELEASE] [FREE] Prop smoke for ymap constructions
[PAID][RELEASE] Aletomax Li Fonti dealership
[PAID][RELEASE] Aletomax Cayo Perico Workshop
[Free]Aletomax Cayo Perico Tower
[PAID] [RELEASE] CayoPerico Car Dealer

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes