[ LUA ] [ FREE ] - FiveM Automatic Restart Script

Hello everyone,

All automatic reboot systems in FiveM are coded in languages ​​such as C ++ C # and converted to programs in EXE format.

I decided to make an automatic reboot system that is only in script form.

Sorry for my bad english :sweat_smile:

Showcase ServerSide ;

Showcase ClientSide ;



You can just put specific times in txAdmin settings!

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I’m not a fan of txadmin so this is great, I think you should add in a notification in game before the restart so it tells people it’s restarting in x amount of time.

Thank you for your comment. I coded the system for people who don’t want to use TXAdmin

thanks for great idea. I will update my github repo

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I forgot to add the github link :confused:
no download link since the topic was opened :smiley:

Where i need put my launcher ? inside of the directory ?

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For stable work it should look like this

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